Obduction backer reward item
Obduction backer reward item

That said, I get the feeling this game would still be playable with a graphics card one tier below mine but it's hard to say so don't take my word for it. I experienced a few lag spikes and long loading screens here and there but nothing major or that I can't live with but it definitely seems the game is graphics intensive. The game is pretty well optimized provided I play on low settings with the exception of textures that I put on medium.


PERFORMANCE I have a GTX 660 graphics card, i7 2600k processor, 8gb ram, SSHD, and Windows 10 圆4 which basically puts me at minimum spec with my graphics card and above recommended with processor. The game feels like a more matured version of the Myst games you can tell that the developers have taken everything they learned from the previous games and with that experience (and perhaps the wisdom gained with age) have crafted a story that has a new kind of depth - where puzzles are not just intricate parts of the environment, as was the case in the Myst games, but that feel truly handcrafted with purpose by different civilizations, puzzles that takes it one step beyond the Myst games in how they merge with the setting. Except this time things are alien, even eerier, even more beautiful, even more awe-inspiring, even more confusing. It also brought me back to taking my first steps in The Cleft and Minkata in Uru (even the footsteps sound suspiciously alike). OVERALL IMPRESSION I'm incredibly impressed by Obduction, Cyan has done it again! The game has the familiar myst-like feeling that brings OVERALL IMPRESSION I'm incredibly impressed by Obduction, Cyan has done it again! The game has the familiar myst-like feeling that brings me right back to my childhood when I first got to explore the Myst Island and I had no idea why I was there and what was going on, arriving in Hunrath has the exact same feeling.

Obduction backer reward item