“Yahweh Said To Yahweh, Sit Thou At My Right Hand Until I Make Thy Enemies Thy Footstool” And so I declare-No More Delay!! you will fulfil your purpose!! I see Destinies unlocked and potentials unleashed right now In Jesus Name. Alpha and omega (I put my trust in You, Lord) You are Yahweh Alpha and omega (Say you are, You are, You are) You are Yahweh (You are) You are Yahweh (You are, ooh) You are Yahweh You are Yahweh (You are my hero, you are right here, my God) You are Yahweh Alpha and omega (Alpha, alpha, alpha) You are Yahweh (Jesus) Alpha and omega (Just your. You are Alpha and Omega We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised. You are Yahweh Alpha and Omega You are Yahweh Alpha and Omega (Blowing the Sax) You are Yahweh, eh eh eh You are Yahweh You are Yahweh, eh eh eh You. Alpha and Omega is such a simple yet powerful worship song that exalts God and acknowledges how He is the beginner and the end of all things. You are Yahweh You are Yahweh (You are Yahweh) You are Yahweh (You are Yahweh) Jesus, Jesus (You are. Fate is rising right now The power of God is rising right now Let your voices express this says He, say. You are Yahweh You are Yahweh, eh eh eh You are Yahweh. You are Yahweh Alpha and Omega You are Yahweh Alpha and Omega. And in You I trust My life is Your Hands. You are the God Who was, Who is and is to come Jesus, Jesus And in You I trust My life is Your Hands Jesus, You are the Miracle working God You are Yahweh, eh eh eh You are Yahweh You are Yahweh, eh eh eh You are Yahweh You are Yahweh Alpha and Omega You are Yahweh Alpha and Omega. May The Fourth Man In The Fire 🔥 (JESUS CHRIST) show up for you in every challenge and unspoken need. You are the God Who was, Who is and is to come Jesus, Jesus.