Where Hill 30 stumbled a bit was in the inability of the Wehrmacht to effectively counteract any attempts to flank them. Don't be fooled though, since that will hardly matter as the game progresses because the German units are far less naïve this time around. The overall layout is different but the gameplay and tactical situations are nearly identical. Having said all that, the opening mission plays much like the opening one did in Hill 30. While they do get better later on, the load times are generally longer than you might expect from any game on the Xbox. It took close to a minute of loading just to get to the first mission. The first thing you might notice is the unusually slow load times. The only thing is that you're playing as a soldier under him in a different unit: Cpl. In fact, Matt Baker, the principle character from the previous game, makes appearances in this one too.

As such, Earned in Blood is much the same as the story behind Hill 30. The basic storyline revolves around paratroopers behind enemy lines on the eve of the D-Day invasion. But true to its word, the company delivered with Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood.

Ubisoft surprised a lot of people when it mentioned an upcoming sequel right after Hill 30 was released. Taking a few strategy and tactical elements and piecing them together with an action FPS made for some real compelling gameplay, especially in a very authentic Second World War setting. When Ubisoft introduced Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 to the world of first-person shooter games, it really changed the way the genre could be approached.